Posted by: hevallo | April 15, 2011

>BREAKING NEWS: AKP’s Turkish Election Strategy: Jail as Many Kurds as Possible!

>As an article in The Economist suggested yesterday, the BDP is likely to do well in the next Turkish General Election.

That is, if there are any BDP activists or representatives left outside Turkish prisons to fight the election!
In contrast to the last local elections when the Kurdish party, DTP (banned predecessor to BDP) won a historic victory with the Kurdish electorate and AKP began jailing DTP activists, MP’s, Mayors and lawyers, this time AKP is rounding up Kurdish BDP activists BEFORE the election. Here is yesterday’s news about two elected Kurdish Mayors being detained. And here is today’s news about another elected Kurdish Mayor being detained.
Here is a snapshot of the last few days from Dicle News Agency. This is typical of the last few weeks with everyday new arrests and detentions.
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Presumably because they have lost all hope of actually winning the seats in a democratic manner they are jailing as many BDP party members as possible.
Not one day goes by without tens of activists being dragged into jail on spurious allegations of some sort or the other.
It reminds me of the UK governments policy of detention without trial against the Republican community in Ireland during the 70’s.
Turkey is determined to push the Kurds into continued conflict!
And the Kurds are determined to fight for peace, justice and democracy!

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